Ayurvedic Drugs during Pregnancy
In conventional medicine, the mother is given a pregnancy
test and also the blood pressure, pulse rate, and weight are checked. Then she
is advised to eat a generally healthy diet and to take prenatal vitamins.
However, this prenatal diet does not give any specific recommendation for maintaining
a happy and healthy pregnancy.
In Maharishi Vedic Medicine, it is understood that pregnancy
is a time when everything the pregnant mother tastes, sees, touches, hears, and
smells should be nourishing to the mother and child. There are very specific recommendations
to bring about a state of balance in the consciousness, mind, boy, behavior,
and environment of the pregnant woman.
Pregnant Woman’s Diet
The Vedic texts recommend a sattvic food, which means pure,
easily digested foods that nourish the dhatus of mother and the unborn child. These
include foods such as milk, rich, wheat, and ghee, fresh vegetables, fruits and
grains. Sattvic foods do not cause constipation or indigestion, and they create
a more settled state of mind. These foods help the mother enjoy ideal health
and vitality, and also help with the growth of the baby. Maharishi Ayurveda
Vata Churna is a convenient way to add Vata-balancing spices to your diet, and
the Apple, Mango and Peach Chutneys can help balance cravings, Vata Tea or
Worry Free Tea can be shipped through the day to help balance the mind and
Other Accessory Techniques applied to the mother and Unborn child
Techniques such as abhyanga, the Ayurvedic oil massage are
recommended for the mother. Mothers who do this once a day, on arising, find
that they feel more evenness, more balance, and more energy throughout the day.
The massage and other techniques balance Vata dosha, so the mother feels steadier,
more even, and less anxious. There is more happiness, even in the body itself,
and more balance in the entire nervous system. Feelings of agitation,
depression, or sorrow dissolve. I recommend the Rejuvenatio Massage oil for
Women, cut 50% with base oil such as Almond Oil, or the Moisturizing Massage
oil. In the summer, replace Moisturizing Massage oil with the Soothing Massage
In Maharishi vedic Medicine it has been recognized for
thousands of years that the mother must be very happy and feel harmony with
nature during pregnancy. For this, various strategies have been recognized. One
is the social environment, which means that the family tries to keep her happy,
especially the husband. The ayurvedic tradition says, “Let her hear good news,
let her hear harmonious music, let her eat sweet foods, let her attend monthly
celebrations to always keep her uplifted and nourished. Aromatherapy with an uplifting
aroma blend such as blissful Heart aroma can be helpful.
If the Mother is having Emotional Problems
Modern research shows that if there is grief, sorrow or
depression, those negative emotions definitely affect the growth of the baby. The
baby could be born with lower birth weight, the baby could be less happy. If
the mother is much stressed this can also contribute to low-birth weight baby.
Ehen the mother is not as happy or settled during pregnancy,
the newborn child experience more colic, more crying, more sleep problems. In
extreme Vata imbalance, the child might develop dry skin, hyperactivity, or musculoskeletal
problems while growing. The time to nip imbalances in the bud is during
pregnancy, as it is much easier to correct it then. And most importantly, it is
imperative to prevent so much suffering.
Techniques Recommended for bringing Balance in Pregnancy
The Transcendental Meditation technique is a profound way
for pregnant mothers to reduce stress, experience deep rest, and bring balance
to all the doshas. When there is balance in the nervous system of the mother,
the baby spontaneously grows in a very happy and healthy way.
If the
mother is not calm and rested, there could be discomfort as the baby grows, or
the child could be overly active in the womb. Or other complications could
develop, such as fluid retention, high blood pressure, or spotting during