Womb Seal or Yoni Mudra -Pregnancy yoga

Womb Seal or Yoni Mudra

Bandha and mudra are the locks and seals that have a powerful effect on the reproductive organs of a woman. They also help in altering the mood, attitude besides enhancing awareness and concentration. We have featured two of the most important and beneficial exercises here.

This Mudra is helpful in soothing your mind and the nervous system. It helps you to withdraw yourself from the outer world and enter your inner world. This practice provides the peace needed to prepare you for your new stage of life.
a.       Sit in comfortable position; relax your body and focus on your breath.
b.      Raise your arms and cover your face gently.
c.       Place your index finger on the eyebrow, and your middle finger on your closed eyelids. Press the tips of your ring finger on the outer side of the nostril and your little finger on your lips at the corner of your mouth. Press your thumbs on your ear-holes to withdraw from all the sounds.
d.      Breathe normally and remain in this position for as long as your feel comfortable. Then ole down in balasana.

Pelvic Floor Exercise -Yoga in pregnancy

Pelvic Floor Exercise

Pelvic Floor Exercise is  the locks and seals that have a powerful effect on the reproductive organs of a woman. They also help in altering the mood, attitude besides enhancing awareness and concentration. We have featured two of the most important and beneficial exercises here.

Exercising the pelvic, anal and vaginal muscles keeps them strong and flexible, as these muscles are going to stretch fully at the time of the birth of your baby. They have to withstand the pressure and the stress of birth and return to normal position, avoiding any postnatal problems.
a. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position, with your eyes closed and your body relaxed.
b. Focus on your anal sphincter, the perinea muscles and the vaginal area.
c. Inhale. Contract these muscles. Exhale and release these muscles.
Repeat several times.

Pregnancy yoga

Ujjayi  Pranayama

This pranayama increases your endurance level, soothes your nerves and tones your entire nervous system. It prepares you well for labor as it helps you to stay calm during the entire period.
a.       Sit in a comfortable position with eyes closed. Relax your body and breathe.
b.      Inhale deeply from both nostrils through the throat, partially keeping your glottis closed in order to produce a sound of low uniform pitch (sa).
c.       Fill your lungs, but take care not to bloat your stomach. Exhale slowly and deeply until your lungs are empty. As you exhale, the air should be left on the roof of the palate and make a sound (ha). These sounds should be so silent that only you should able to hear them. This completes the first sequence of this pranayama. Wait for a few seconds to begin the next round.

Repeat 10 to 15 times.

Yoga in pregnancy and Childbirth

 Alternate Nostril Breathing

In this Pranayama, the blood receives a larger supply of oxygen than in normal breathing; your mind feels relaxed and calm. It also soothes the entire nervous system.

a.       Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position. Relax your entire body and keep your eyes closed.
b.      Bend your right arm from the elbow. Bend the middle and index finger inward to your palms. Bring your ring finger and the little finger toward your thumb.
c.       Place your right thumb on the right side of your nose and your ring and little finger on the left side of your nose. By pressing your thumb, back the right nostril.
d.      Inhale slowly and deeply through your left nostril. After full inhalation, block your left nostril with your ring and little finger. Exhale, breathing out the pressure from your right nostril and releasing the air slowly, deeply and steadily.
e.      Next, blocking your left nostril, inhale deeply from the right. After a full inhalation, block the right nostril and exhale, steadily. This completes one round of the pranayama. Try to do four to eight rounds at least twice a day.
f.        Lie down in balasana and relax.    

