Health tips (Long Live the way)

How long will. What are the healthy body and healthy mind possesses. Long live the way I talk.

Observe what is often:

1. The sun arise should leave a half-hour before bed. Only patients and children of different things to do these statutes.

2. Beds teeth well after leaving the ground and will have to face. Face, hands and feet must be washed thoroughly.

3. Might rise up in the morning you need to evacuate.

4. Wake up from the Mall-leaving water and ground teeth and mouth-wash hands wandering space is extremely beneficial to the body.

5. Morning tea and a biscuit to eat with unwashed hands withered face physical harm. People wake up and face washed withered tea eating habits they eat ground teeth.

6. Patients and children more than 8 hours of sleep each harmful to healthy people. 10-12 in children sleep enough hours.

7 . Evening bath is beneficial is very important. The flux can not attack.

8 . Went at once to evacuate after a good night of work . Such practice will sleep better at night if you have a healthy body.

9. Every day some need to be walking.

10. Those who sit and work, for some of them essential to the walking path.

11. Those who have their own cars, cars and office visits on behalf of them walking up and need some space.

12. Too much trouble to keep the mind cheerful . With friends or children in the house at the time of the trial with the goal of spending some time to clarify and smiles. Find the emotional enjoy.

healthy tips images
Emotional Enjoy

13 . Regular daily bathing and eating at the same time will.

14 . Will eat like amount . Together eating more is not better.

15. Quickly so do not eat and swallow. Eat well chews.

16 . The office or on the go you should eat 1 hour ago. The taste is not good to work quickly or office.

17. Will meal the night before sleeping at night. Night meal should be very bland . You should not eat too much.

18. The morning at 7 am, noon 10 am to 12 pm, afternoon and night at 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm eating. Food should not be eaten moments.

19. The head do not let the hot water. Clean, well washed with cold water, soak a towel in hot water with a towel or wash away.

20. Will not be engaged in the activities of more than 8 hours per day. If more than 8 hours in any work to do, whatever will damage health.

21. Remember 24 hours throughout the day and night, it will have three parts. 8 hours of sleep at night. 8 hours working morning, the rest of the 8 hours of rest and activity etc..

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22. Alcohol, marijuana, carry chewing tobacco, drink, smoke, cigarettes not eating well. If difficulties should be used very little.

23. Those who sit and toil head, some of them empty-handed exercises and yoga are essential to the seat. If it blood pressure, diabetes, indigestion can be.

Balanced Diet – In Pregnancy

A Balanced Diet is a Must! – In Pregnancy.

We are what we eat, and diet based on fresh, light, nutritional foods, such as fruit, vegetables and grains keeps the body lean, agile and the mind clear and sharp. For you, as a pregnant mother, this is even more vital as your health and vitality will determine the health and vitality of your unborn child. Your diet should contain adequate quantities of proteins, minerals and vitamins for both a healthy you and your baby.

                Protein is required during pregnancy to support the growing foetus and the placenta. It can be obtained in generous amounts from lentils, peas, beans, nuts and soya products. These can be taken in combination with whole grains such as wheat, oats, corn, barley, etc. It is better to avoid red meat as it could lead to constipation. Besides, meat only adds toxins to the body.
                Calcium is required at every stage of pregnancy as it helps in the development of your baby’s bones and teeth. Women should increase the intake of calcium during pregnancy in order to meet the foetus needs without compromising their own bone density. Deficiency of calcium can lead to weakness and acute pain in the bones and joints of the expectant mother, making it difficult to carry on with the pregnancy.  Deficiency of calcium can ultimately lead to development of rickets in your growing child. Good sources of calcium are soya, nuts and dairy products like milk, curd, cottage cheese, soya and nuts.

Iron and Folic Acid
Iron is necessary for the development of haemoglobin- the carrier of oxygen in the blood. Haemoglobin is attached to red blood cells and it is because of this component that oxygen is able to move from the lungs to different parts of the body. Deficiency of haemoglobin results in anemia, which subsequently leads to weakness, breathlessness and fatigue. Dietary sources of iron are green leafy vegetables, egg yolk, raisins, apricots, cereals, whole grin, bread and liver. Folic acid is easily available in jiggery, pulses and dairy products.
Vitamins promote good eyesight, healthy teeth, clear skin, and general growth and vitality. They build resistance to infection and are very necessary during pregnancy and lactation. Natural sources of vitamins are fruits, milk and milk products and vegetables. Vitamins C and D increase resistance to infection and hold the body cells together. Vitamin C is available in citrus fruits, papaya mango, tomato, potato as also in minor amounts in other fruits and vegetables. Vitamin D is available from sunlight and natural fruits and vegetables that are full of this prana.
A very important component in diet during this period, as pregnant women normally tends to suffer from constipation due to the extra intake of iron. Try and eat lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and cereals to add fibre to the diet. Fibre is rich in polyunsaturated fats that help control blood cholesterol.
Equally important is intake of plenty of fluids. Drink lots of water and fresh juices, but limit your consumption of tea, coffee and aerated drinks. Drinking fruit juice or herbal tea is definitely preferable to drinking plain tea. We do not recommend alcohol to pregnant mothers. Not only does it get absorbed into your bloodstream, and that of your baby, you also run the risk of suffering from slower reflexes and loss of muscle coordination, thus placing both yourself and your baby at risk.

Mountain Pose or Parvatasana

Mountain Pose or Parvatasana

This asana makes the entire body strong. The abdominal muscles are drawn toward the spine when breathing deep. It strengthens the internal organs and has a profound effect on the reproductive organs.

·         Lie down on the floor on your stomach, i.e. with your face downwards. Keep your feet about 2.5 cm apart.
·         Rest your palms by the side of your chest, with fingers straight out, pointing towards your head.
·         Exhale. Raise your hips, lowering your head between your arms. You will be forming a triangle with your back and legs.
·         Try to keep your legs stiff. Do not bend your knees but try to press your heels and the soles of your feet on the floor. Also try to bring your head towards your knees.
·         Stay in this position for thirty to forty seconds while breathing deeply.

·         Release the posture by lifting your head forward, stretching your torso forward and lowering your body gently down to the floor.  

Shoulder Stand Pose or Sarvang Asana

Shoulder Stand Pose or Sarvang Asana

This asana balances your endocrine glands to your hormonal levels. It regulates menstrual activity and also is very beneficial for women suffering from a displaced uterus.

·         Lie on your back and flex your toes inward. Place your palms facing down, close to your hips. Inhale; push down on your hands and raise your legs straight up and above you.
·         Left your hips off the floor and bring your legs up, over and beyond your head at an angle of about 45⁰.
·         Exhale, bend your arms and support your body, holding as near the shoulders as possible, thumbs around the front of the body, fingers around the back. Push your back up and lift your legs.
·         Straighten your spine and bring the legs up to a vertical position. Press your chin firmly into the base of your throat. Gradually try to get your elbows closer together and your hands further down your back, towards the shoulders, so as to straighten your back.
·         Breathe normally while doing this posture and while holding it. Stay in this position 20 to 30 seconds.
·         Bend your knees and pull them to your forehead or chest; then gently lower your body, releasing the position.

Take care not to jerk into the posture instead gently keep pulling your body up into the final position.

