Smoking essay

The drop in smoking

Today is World Day tamakamukta. Tobacco is responsible for one death every 10 people around the world. The harmful chemicals in tobacco can cause many diseases. If you decide you do not give up smoking and tobacco use.

The 15-year-olds in higher use of tobacco or smoking43.3%: the use of tobacco in any of the ways.The 6.4%: male and 7.9% of women using tobacco carbanayogya.44.7%: male and 1.5% of women smokers.

There are about 4000 kinds of harmful chemical substances tamake nicotine - that addictive substances cause intoxication. Carbon monoxide - a poisonous gas responsible for huderagera. benajopairina - is alakataraya. Responsible for cancer. hydrogen cyanide - are having more gas chambers. pharamaladihaida - are having more conservation bodies, which are responsible for cancer.

Disease risk

Huderaga: risk increases two to three times.Chronic bronchitis and lung: the risk of 1 in 13 times. The risk of lung cancer among men increased 3-fold, 13-fold in the case of women.Other problems: bladder, cervical, stomach and pancreas cancer, infertility, death of unborn baby, low weight, and abnormal infant and early child birth, older women, bone loss and the risk of broken bones waist.Stroke: risk increases two to three times.Gratitude: Prof. Arup Ratan Chowdhury, also the World Health Organization.


 AIDS treatment - another step in the progress

HIV, the virus responsible for AIDS prevention has been maranabyadhi progress. This success cikitsapaddhati researchers discovered a new disease that is considered to progress one step further.
The study is published in the Journal Nature article, scientists created the HIV virus is the first time that the molecular structure of a sample. It can be seen, the deadly virus protection features vinyl corners - the shape of the armor. This security is enabled, until the virus to enter human cells. Dehakose after the breakdown of the system occurs.

Anubiksana high power devices, the X - ray analysis and ultra - High speed suparakampiutarera of the sample has been created. It is one of the 300 proteins were identified in the presence of millions of atoms. The researchers at the University of the State of Illinois and the United States klasa sultena the HIV virus and the internal structure of the entire opposing characteristics have been identified. The genetic material is protected. But once the genetic material of the virus is spread from human to enter, and at the time the balance is fine.

The other researchers and scientists at the University of pitasaburga peijuna jhyam said, this innovation through the discovery of new drugs to prevent AIDS is likely to succeed. Immediately to prevent the transmission of the disease from the need to take the necessary measures and new drug will work as complementary to conventional medicine. Independent.

 Increases the risk of high byathanasake huderagera

Aibupruphenera the high byathanasaka (peinakilara) drug use increases the risk of brain hemorrhage and death huderaga and terms. In one study known.Byathanasaka often as not - starayedala anti - inaphlemyatori Drugs or drug use is known as enaesaeaidi.Results of the research analyst yaktarastrera bhendarabilta University Medical Center, Nashville, Marine Griffin, the intense and persistent pain is a very common use case enaesaeaidira. Typically, short elbow pain in the lower levels are advised to use them. The spine, knee, thigh, neck or headaches persist for a long time, the drug is high for seven or ten days. 'It's very different studies, severe inflammation of the stomach there is a risk of using these drugs. Otherwise, kaksibasa 'is to create a new kind of medicine, which reduces this problem. But it is, it is increasing the risk of huderagera.The medical journal lyanceta - A new study has been published, it is not kaksibasa, the previous-generation drugs, such as daiklophenakera byathanasakera aibupruphena or higher was associated with the use of huderagera.Research article is a press release, there is a risk huderagera average, every one of the thousands of people over the years have seen the use of high aibupruphena daiklophenaka or one of them - third huderagera risk is increased. 'The statement further said, almost twice the risk of all types of high enaesaeaidi huderagera alasarasaha stomach problems and increase two to four times. AFP.

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7 tips to prevent insomnia

 7 tips to prevent insomnia

If  come three times a week or more, repeatedly broken sleep, sleep problems, sleep in and wake up after a short time, feeling tired, feeling irritable throughout the day, and inasomaniya or symptoms of insomnia. Niuroharamonala imbalance in the brain cause insomnia. Due to problems with performance, intelligence, and attention may decrease. Physical damage. 

For example: ojanadhikya, rogapratirodha power loss, diabetes, high blood pressure and increases the risk of huderagera. Because

1. Stress, anxiety, depression, trauma - the next situation.
2. Disturbed sleep environment, such as excessive noise, lighting, hot or cold.
3. Changes in sleep parameters, which melatonina brain hormone disruptors that nihsarane.
4. After I quit smoking, excessive alcohol or enjoying kyapheina.
5. Sleeping in the TV, play video games.
6. Long-term physical illness, such as arthritis, cancer, huderaga, lung disease, gastric, thyroid problems.

Advice for 7 tips to prevent insomnia

 Make a habit of sleeping at the same time every day. Dinasaha holiday at the same time every day to wake up and read.
Use the bedroom only for sleeping. I do not have the extra sound or light.
Light hot water bath before sleeping, reading books, gentle songs, worship or yoga can help. The clock will not see again.
4. Do not try to force sleep. I would not refer to it in 0 minutes. Go to another room, I do not see the light come up.
5. Do not take more than 30 minutes to rest at noon, three o'clock before it is cured.
6. Sleep four - six hours before the heavy work, exercise, and alcohol, coffee, smoking avoid this habit.
7. I get two hours sleep before the evening meal. The appetite can get a glass of milk.

Department of Medicine, United Hospitals.

stuffy nose, Sneezing, coughing, headache, shivering, Faver this Cold.

Garamei more like cold. In the current insolation.

 This is a very annoying problem. Nasal continuous fall in the water, stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, headache, fever, shivering - These are the main symptoms. Sudden and rapid changes in weather, summer heat and the sweat and heat of the sun, leaving the air-conditioned rooms extremely hot, extremely hot and very cold in the water or drink paraphernalia - everything in the incidence of heatstroke at the time. In addition, because most cases are not allergic to any - any virus responsible for this disease. In most cases, the real culprit virus raino.Temperature rise - namaya this virus as quickly multiply, they spread the time. Sneeze or cough through the nose - at least six feet distance from the mouth can spread this bhairasagulo. They can survive for several hours in nature. He deleted his nose or nose - the hand after hand with the spread of anyajanera. School, college, office or dokanapatera door handles, table angle, rickshaws - the car handles, telephones and personal belongings having more time to spread.However, the ten fatal viral disease that is rogao like this. It heals without any treatment. Treatment which is given to the comfort of his sabatai short. Such as paracetamol to reduce fever - the drugs, cold - drug addiction.Drink plenty of water. Soft drinks, alcohol or energy drink is not only need water or fruit juice. Get plenty of rest. School - to go to college, take time off from work. I like to sleep. 'll Recover quickly.Neck pain or asbastibhaba spend adhakapa warm water mixed with half a teaspoon of salt can gargala. Eat plenty of Vitamin C and Zinc. The vitamin C in lemons and lebujatiya. Hot soup, hot water and lemon juice is quite beneficial. Dokanira advice or antibiotics enjoying the cold syrup from the store will not be contrary to hite a long time. I used these objects, such as towels, napkins, cell phone, do not let anyone catch. Sneezing - cough while nose - mouth tissue, hide, and then wash it down with your hands. Children, the elderly and pregnant women to stay away from. 

