Allergy, Anesthesiology and ICU Specialist in Bangladesh

Allergy, Anesthesiology and ICU

Doctor’s Name: Dr. Gobindho Chandro Das.
Qualification: MBBS, DCH, MCPS, FCAI (India), MACAI (USA).
Designation: Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Allergy.
Expertise: Clinical Immunology.
Organization: Shaheed Sohraoyaddi Hospital.
Chamber: The Allergy and asthma Center.
Location: 57/15, West Panthopath, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Phone No.: +880-2-8112815, 01711594228

Doctor’s Name: Dr. A. B. M. Eyamin.
Qualification: MBBS.
Designation: Consultant.
Expertise: DA consultant.
Organization: USTC.
Chamber: USTC.
Location: USTC, Chittagong, Banladesh.
Phone No.: +880-031-659070, 031-68390, 01711761907.

Doctor’s Name: Dr. Dababrato Banik.
Qualification: MBBS, FCPS, MD.
Designation: Assistant Professor.
Expertise: Anesthesiology and ICU.
Organization: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Medical University.
Chamber: Modioul General Hospital.
Location: 1/g/3, Paribagh, Hatirpul, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Phone No.: +880-2-8610512, 8616083

Doctor’s Name: Dr. ATM Rashadul Nabi.
Qualification: MBBS, FCPS.
Designation: Consultant.
Expertise: Anesthesiology and ICU.
Organization: Dhaka Medical College and Hospital.
Chamber: G H Sikdar cardiac care and research center.
Location:  G H Sikdar cardiac care and research center, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Phone No.: +880-2-9887458, 8815363.

Doctor’s Name: Dr. Abdul Khalak.
Qualification: MBBS, FCPS.
Designation: Assistant Professor.
Expertise: Anesthesiology and ICU.
Organization: National Institute  of cardiovascular Diseases.
Chamber: National Institution of cardiovascular Diseases.
Location:  Shar-a-bangla Nagor, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Phone No.: +880-2-9144515, 9110105-7, 01711544365.

Doctor’s Name: Dr. Mashud Ahmad.
Qualification: MBBS, FCPS.
Designation: Assistant Professor.
Expertise: Anesthesiology and ICU.
Organization: Chittagong Medical College and Hospital.
Chamber: 103/115, Muradpur, CDA Avenue, Pachlaesh, Chittagong.
Location:  Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Phone No.: +880-031-653227, 01711749040.

Doctor’s Name: Dr. AEF Eliyas Choudhuri.
Qualification: MBBS, FCPS.
Designation: Professor.
Expertise: Anesthesiology and ICU.                                                                                                 
Organization: Chittagong Medical College and Hospital.
Chamber: USTC.
Location: Foyas Lake, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Phone No.: +880-031-657090, 01819320743.

Acupuncture pain and Paralysis Specialist in Bangladesh

Doctor’s Name and Address

Acupuncture pain and Paralysis

There are many specialist Acupuncture, pain and paralysis in Bangladesh. I am constantly trying to publish accurate and updated Bangladeshi Acupuncture, pain and Paralysis information on my blog, I committed to improve the online doctors list of Bangladesh. So, if you find any mistake or wrong information in the following doctors list. Please inform me.

Doctor’s Name: Dr. A.S.M Badhoruddhoja.
Qualification: MBBS, M Phil.
Designation: Assistant Professor
Expertise: Paralysis
Organization: City Dental College and Hospital.
Chamber: Dental College and Hospital.
Location: 137 Lake sarkrash, Kalabagan, Mirpur road, Dhaka, Banladesh.
Phone No.: +880-9133202

Doctor’s Name: Dr. Jonaedh Shofik.
Qualification: MBBS, Phd.
Designation: Assistant Professor
Expertise: Pain and Paralysis
Organization: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Medical University.
Chamber: Japan Bangladesh Friendship Hospital.
Location: H # 55, R # 3/a Danmondhi, Satmasjidh Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Phone No.: +880 967277, +880 9676161

Doctor’s Name: Dr. MD. Mojammal Haquk.
Qualification: MBBS, Phd.
Designation: Assistant Professor
Expertise: Pain and Paralysis
Organization: Bangladesh Medical College Hospital.
Chamber: Upashom Health Complex Ltd.
Location: Cha- 107/1, Uttara Badda, Dhaka- 1212, Bangladesh.
Phone No.: +880-2-8815619, 01711970526.

Doctor’s Name: Dr. R Thomash Mamra.
Qualification: TCM, CJFH, (Beijing-China) 
Designation: Advanced Training in Paralysis and Rheumatic Arthritis (Beijing- China).
Expertise: Consultant.
Organization: Maghna Diagnostic Complex.
Chamber: Maghna Diagnostic Complex.                                                                                                                             
Location: 39 Momin roads, Kadam Mobarok, Chittagong, Bangladesh. 
Phone No.: +880-031-842177, 06074300281

Doctor’s Name: Dr. A.S.I.M Mohajon
Qualification: BASMB, ACBPT (India), DEAT (Dhaka), SDNT (India).
Designation: Consultant.
Expertise: Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Moxibushhson and Physiotherapy
Organization: Test in Diagnostic Center.
Chamber: Test in Diagnostic Center.
Location: 82, Jamal Khan road, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Phone No.: +8801711078780

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A heart attack is like an earthquake. It can be years in the making but in can hit with out any warning. Yet, unlike an earthquake, a heart attack can be prevented. This dreadful disease may threaten your life when you are about to ascend the highest and most glorious pinnacle of victory or when you are passing through the most useful moment of responsibility and valuable moment of existence. Heart disease is fatal but timely preventive measures can defend its attack. One must remember that prevention is always better than cure.

The idea that entire knowledge of medical science is poured only on the Doctors/Physicians or absolutely reserves the jurisdiction by them is not at all correct. Knowledge about this killing disease, therefore needs must be in the awareness of all at least of the preventive measure, care and emergency treatment.

This blog has been written to give you the general information regarding the prevention of heart attack and how to live a better life after a heart attack or after bypass operation. Information’s of purely academic value have not been included in this blog. This blog has been prepared from the layman’s perspective. So, it is not for the medical students or doctors.

Heart attacks are very common and can cause great alarm. Yet, most survivors of heart attacks return to normal lives and many find that they enjoy even more than they did before the attack! A heart attack can be a frightening experience, but once the first few hours are over, the chances of recovery are excellent, the heart starts healing, and plans can be made for the future. Good planning means understanding what the problem is and what can be done to make the heart as healthy as possible. This blog also emphasizes the important role of cardiovascular rehabilitation, which is a multidisciplinary intervention that includes exercise training, change of dietary habit, risk factor modification psychological support, counseling and education. Together with treatment either medical or surgical, cardiovascular rehabilitation will help you recover faster, feel better and live a healthier life.

The matters described in this blog are not intended as a substitute for the advice your doctor/cardiologist may give you, based on his knowledge of you and your particular illness. You should therefore follow his advice given individually to you even if it is different from the suggestions reflected in this blog.   

If I Work up from bed with Central Chest pain

If I woke up with central chest pain

If I woke from bed at late night or early in the morning what should I do? Though I know chest pain may arise from many sources like muscle, ribs (chest bone), esophagus (food pipe), lung or pleura but possibility of heart attack requires exclusion. As there are so many causes of chest pain I would wonder of its many possible causes might be responsible. So, what would I do? What should I do?

Obviously, a myocardial infarction is a possibility, but it is by no means the most frequent cause of such pain-heart burn is also common for such type of pain. Nonetheless, myocardial infarction should be assumed until proved otherwise. I am fully aware about the early complications of heart attack. If heart attack is the correct diagnosis, I need very urgent attention to relieve of my pain, to treat cardiac arrest should it occur or to restore blood flow through the totally blocked coronary artery by thrombolysis or immediate balloon therapy. As I am a cardiologist and I am aware about the consequences of heart attack I might be expected to act more promptly. But would I? A survey was conducted by Julian DS to assess the behaviour of the cardiologists in seeking help after heart attack. The behaviour of ten world-renowned cardiologists who had heart attacks revealed that the average time they took to call for help was 48 hours but the average member of the public takes 1-1. 5 hours to summon help after heart attack. This indicates that knowledge may lead to denial rather than a rational response. Big men usually perform big blunders. But as I am definitely not a world famous cardiologist I am sure that I will call for help earlier. If I decide to call some body that should I call? I believe a cardiologist will be better choice if available because they are well acquainted with the modern therapy and intervention techniques appropriate to patients with heart attack. They might be superior to others regarding management of cardiac pump failure or rhythm disturbances. In one study it was found that cardiologists used more resources and achieved better outcome than general physicians in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction. There are at least three possible explanations for this better outcome. The specific aspects of care by cardiologists were responsible for the better results. Because of additional training and experience, cardiologists are more likely than other physicians to treat patients of heart attack with thrombolysis, beta blockers, aspirin, nitrates and heparin medications that are associated with improved survival. Third the differences in the use of coronary angiography and revascularization procedures may also have contributed to improved survival. So I will call a cardiologist or help. I must go to a hospital by an ambulance. If pain is not that much severe, even then I will not drive myself. I may call some body to drive for me if immediate ambulance service is not available.

While waiting for the ambulance, should I take anything? Should I take aspirin? It has already been documented that tablet aspirin alone can reduce the fatality rate by 23% after heart attack. Certainly all patients with myocardial infarction as well as those with unstable angina ought to take aspirin. So to take a tablet of aspirin at this time would be sensible as I do not have any contraindication of taking this tablet like peptic ulcer. If I had nitroglycerine tablet or spray, I would put one under my tongue. I may try this medicine few times for relief of severe chest pain, knowing it fully well that nitroglycerine tablet or spray may fail to relieve the pain of heart attack.

What word I hope for when I arrived hospital? I will expect very prompt base line evaluation of my present condition by a competent doctor along with Electrocardiogram. Let us suppose that I have had a infarction, what further treatment should I receive? Definitely relief of pain by morphine injection is the first priority followed by restoring patency in the blocked coronary artery by thrombolysis (blockage dissolution by injection of thrombolysis agent). Thrombolytic injections are now easily available in most of the coronary units in our country and abroad. I would want the best treatment for restoring patency of my blocked coronary artery. I know that thrombolytic injections (e.g. streptokinase, r-tPA, APSAC etc) can reduce risk of death by 25% in addition to the benefit provided by aspirin if given within 6 hours of heart attack. I also know that aspirin and streptokinase injection together can reduce death by 42%. So I will prefer to have streptokinase injection as soon as possible after heart attack. I would expect my doctor is well aware about latest drugs recommended by American College of Cardiology for heart attack and he will commence those medicines as and when required.  I would like to be accommodated in a well designed coronary care unit, where I would have comfortable bed and continuous ECG monitoring system for at least first 24 hours from the inception of chest pain. I would wish to have competent doctor/nurse inside the CCU all the time that are capable enough to cope with life threatening arrhythmias (heart irregularities). I would wish to be treated by beta blockers, ACE inhibitors and nitrates. After heart attack visitors could be troublesome. These so called well wishers can do harm but can not do well. So I should strictly control visitors during first few days of attack.

I would wish to be transferred from the coronary care unit (CCU) to an intermediate care unit (ICU) or in a well equipped cardiology ward after 24-48 hours of admission. If I had an uncomplicated course, I would want to be out of bed the day after admission, gradually increasing my activities over the next few days with the hope of discharge on 6th or 7th day of admission. During first few days of hospitalization I would expect to be provided with a rehabilitation programme tailored to my cardiac function. When my condition will be stable I would expect that concerned cardiologist will explain to me and my family about the nature and severity of my condition. During leaving hospital and future plan of treatment. My wife and close family members should be fully informed about the state of my health and the various aspects of life that would need to be modified in the of the limitations imposed by the damage to the heart and measures necessary to minimize the risk of a further heart attack. After heart attack I must always be on standard drug therapy for secondary prevention of coronary artery disease. The drug regimen will probably include beta blocker, aspirin, ACE inhibitor and nitrates. The above mentioned drugs have been proved to be effective in reducing death after heart attack in different world standard randomized trials. I am well aware about the risk of high cholesterol as far as possible. It has been found that if cholesterol level can be brought down below 150 mg% the formation of further coronary block can be prevented. But in reality it is very difficult to bring down cholesterol below that level. But I will have to try as far as possible in lowering blood cholesterol level. I must avoid 5 things as far as possible. They are beef fat, mutton fat, egg yolk, big prawn and any oil that solidifies. Do I require drug for reducing my blood cholesterol? What level of cholesterol justifies treatment is not yet established, but if after adequate diet control it exceeds 200 mg% I should be advised to go on a lipid-lowering agent like statin or gemfibrozil or fibrate.

Is it mandatory to have coronary angiogram after heart attack? Do I really need it? Coronary angiogram after heart attack is a controversial area, and practices vary enormously between and within countries. Some cardiologists recommend routine coronary angiogram after heart attack for important decision making like angioplasty and CABG (bypass operation). But I think my cardiologist will not be so aggressive. Preferable I should undergo non invasive tests like exercise stress tests are positive I should go for coronary angiogram. If one of these future treatment. I would expect that my cardiologist will take proper decision depending on the angiogram report. He will select one from three modalities of treatments e.g. only drug or balloon therapy or by pass operation.

