Know thyself and Test your Personality

Know thyself

Your personality is the product of the contact of your inborn ‘needs’ and drives’ with the immediate sociophysical environment, especially during the first five yours of your life. During this period, you were tossed by different ‘needs’ and ‘drives’. On the one hand you craved for love of your parents, especially of your mother. This generated in you a feeling of dependence ad ultimately an inferiority complex. You felt secure, no doubt, against the turmoil’s of everyday life; but deep within yourself you were unhappy. This was so, because you also craved for independence from your parents at the same time. At times, you revolted against them and went out in the open, in order to satisfy your craving for adventure. Notwithstanding your dependence upon parents, you began experimenting with adventurous pursuits independently. Thus originated within yourself during the first five years life an emotional conflict a conflict between your loves for dependence and craving for independence the solution of which formed the foundation-stone of your present personality.

                Like all human beings you harbor within your personality a desire to excel others in your immediate social environment. You wish to establish yourself properly in life. However, you may realize your ambition, if you are able to discover the psychological ‘assets’ and ‘liabilities’ of your personality. In order to be able to do so, ask yourself the following questions and answer yes or no as the case may be if you find that your yes answers have exceeded your ‘No’ answers, your personality would require necessary psychological guidance. Even a single ‘Yes’ answer would indicate some weakness in your personality requiring psychological guidance for the proper development of your personality.

Test your personality

1.       Do you enjoy conversation, where a crowd of people meet? (Answer Yes or No)
2.       Do you feel shy to mix with the opposite sex? (Answer Yes or No)
3.       Are you incapable of organizing picnics or social gatherings? (Answer Yes or No)
4.       Do you prefer private occupations to team-work? (Answer Yes or No)
5.       Do you dislike your present job and feel fatigued, or over-worked? (Answer Yes or No)
6.       Are you afraid of shouldering responsibilities? (Answer Yes or No)
7.       Do you feel inferior to others in your immediate social environment? (Answer Yes or No)
8.       Are you unable to adapt yourself to new situations? (Answer Yes or No)
9.       Do you frequently fail to understand the relations between things easily? (Answer Yes or No)
10.   Are you unable to take quick decisions in emergencies? (Answer Yes or No)
11.   Do you suffer from lack of concentration self-confidence and self-control? (Answer Yes or No)
12.   Do you forget things too frequently because of bad memory? (Answer Yes or No)
13.   Do you apprehend failure in life and contemplate committing suicide at times? (Answer Yes or No)
14.   Do you frequently fail to observe punctuality and thereby remain regular in your irregularities? (Answer Yes or No)
15.   Are you occasionally haunted by unreasonable worries, anxieties or fears? (Answer Yes or No)
16.   Are you easily led away by suggestions from others? (Answer Yes or No)
17.   While walking alone in the street, do you suspect that others are talking about you? (Answer Yes or No)
18.   Are you occasionally haunted by nightmares and terrifying dreams? (Answer Yes or No)
19.   Do you frequently indulge in day-dreaming, ‘building castles in the air’, instead of attempting to realize your ambitions in practical life? (Answer Yes or No)
20.   Are you a victim to psycho-somatic illnesses, such as, nervous palpitations, headache, insomnia, stomach troubles, stammering or stuttering, Asthma, Eczema etc? 

If with the fore-going tests, you discover that the ‘liabilities’ of your personality have exceeded its ‘assets’ you need not be alarmed at all. Psychology will help you to develop yourself into a strong and dynamic personality. If, on the other hand, you find that the ‘assets’ of your Personality have exceeded its ‘liabilities’, you are already on the royal road to success in life.

Notwithstanding the drawbacks of your personality Psychology will help your discover the hidden potentialities of your Real Self. Behind each conscious 'Yes' answer of yours, there is probably an Unconscious categorical 'No'. This is apparent from your feeling of remorse, when you become conscious of the weaknesses of you Personality. This feeling indicates a conflict between 'what you are' and 'what you wish to be'. The very fact that you are not satisfied with 'what you are', indicates the possibility of your realizing 'what you wish to be'. At times, you feel surging within your deeper 'self', a reservoir of untapped potentialities. You have only to unleash this dormant energy of your 'Unconscious Self', through proper psychological techniques and thereby develop yourself into a strong and dynamic Personality.

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