Types of training in Medistic Psychotherapy

Types of training in Medistic Psychotherapy

The Training Programme of Medistic Psychotherapy is of the following two types:-
a)      The Shot-term Programme for issuing Certificates
b)      The Long-term Programme for issuing Diplomas.
I shall now explain the short-term training programme

The Short –Term Training Programme

At first, I train up each student for 10 days only in the following techniques of Medistic Psychotherapy:-
1.       I explain to him the actual procedure of Medistic Psychotherapy.
2.       In order to enable him to gain first-hand practical knowledge about the actual procedure of Medistic Psychotherapy, I apply the same procedure on him for a few days only.
3.       Some days, I explain to him a few Case-histories of patients preserved in the Clinic in order to train him up in the actual method of recording Case-histories of Patients.
4.       On completion of this initial training period of 10 days, I direct the trainee to undertake Psycho-therapy of some patients for 2 months only and then to submit at least 4 Case-histories of patients, actually treated or cured by him for my perusal.
5.       After he submits to me the required 4 Case-histories and I find those satisfactory, I undertake to give him intensive training in the actual practice of Medistic Psychotherapy for another period of 5 days only. During this period I also try to solve the difficulties, faced by him, since he undertook to apply Medistic Psychotherapy on his patients.
6.       On completion of these 5 days of intensive training I ask him to write down answers to some important questions, on different aspects of Medistic Psychotherapy. In case, I find his answers correct and the case-histories submitted by him satisfactory, I issue a certificate to him for having successfully completed practical training in Medistic Psychotherapy, under my personal guidance and supervision.
7.       Finally, I give him necessary instructions about stating a clinic or Therapeutic Chamber of Medistic psychotherapy for his own practice.

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