Homeopathy Drugs during Pregnancy

Homeopathy Drugs during Pregnancy

Homeopathy drug is ideal for women in their childbearing years as it is a gentle yet highly effective system of medicine. During pregnancy, some women will chose to live with the discomfort of minor complaints such as morning sickness or heartburn, rather than seek treatment because they are concerned about the possible side effects of orthodox medicines on their unborn child.

                Homeopathic medicines are safe for your growing baby because only a minute amount of the active ingredient is used in their preparation. They work by stimulating the body’s own healing powers. Good homeopathic treatment prior to conception can prepare you for a healthy pregnancy.

                By stimulating your vitality in pregnancy, homeopathic treatment will automatically benefit your baby and by staying as healthy as possible during pregnancy, you are giving your baby the ideal conditions in which to thrive. Many homeopaths will also offer advice on your diet and lifestyle to encourage a healthy pregnancy and birth.

                Physical and emotional changes during pregnancy may cause minor health problems such as nausea, mild urinary problems, diarrhea heartburn, anemia, varicose veins, backache, cramps, thrush or emotional distress. All these problems and more potentially complicated symptoms such as raised blood pressure can also be helped by professional homeopathic treatment.

Symptoms or pregnancy and its management

Morning Sickness
Symptoms of morning sickness include nausea, occasional vomiting and tiredness. Many women experience these symptoms during the first three months of pregnancy, usually in the morning when the stomach is empty, although it can occur at any time of the day.

                The traditional cure of eating a dry biscuit before getting out of bed worth trying. Avoid rich, fatty foods and try eating little and often if your nausea is worse when you are hungry.

                Seek professional help if your vomiting is sever for example, if you are unable to keep food down and are losing weight or if it persists past your third month. The following remedies are the more commonly indicated. 

Ipecac: Constant, nausea with empty belching and retching; vomiting is difficult and does not relieve your nausea.

Nux vomica: Nausea with retching that is relieved by vomiting; sour belching, indigestion and heartburn. You may have a sensation that there is a knot in your stomach. You feel bad-tempered.

Pulsatilla: Nausea (with little vomiting), worse after eating and drinking, better in the fresh air and for company. You feel weepy, moody and like to be comforted.

Sepia: Intermittent nausea which is worse in the mornings and worse for the smell or thought of food; there is an empty, sinking feeling in the stomach which is temporarily relieved by eating. You feel apathetic, exhausted and heavy but oddly are better for vigorous exercise. You are indifferent or cross with children and partner.

Constipation in pregnancy

Constipation is common in pregnancy as the hormones, which prepare the muscles of the pelvis for labor, can slow the digestive processes down. Adjusting your diet can often help mild constipation. Increase your intake of fluids, fruit and vegetables, go easy on wheat products and avoid iron tablets.
Any lasting change in your usual pattern of bowel movements should be assessed professionally but for a simple case of constipation in pregnancy, try one of the following remedies:
Bryonia: Large, hard, dry stools which are difficult to expel; often with a headache which is worse for the slightest movement. You are irritable.
Nux vomica: Frequent urging to pass a stool but in spite of straining, passing only small amounts each time; it feels as if some is left behind; piles that may itch and bleed.
Sepia: Straining to pass a large, hard stool; your stomach feels full and there is a sensation of a lump in the rectum that may remain even after passing a stool.

You feel generally sluggish.
Sulphur: Constipation with piles that itch and burn and are worse for heat. You are generally restless, thirsty and sensitive to the heat.

Diet in Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is especially important to eat well, from a wide range of foods as this will provide you with the extra trace minerals and vitamins that you need. If you are on a restricted diet or wish to take vitamin and mineral supplements, then it is important that you do so on the advice of a competent medical practitioner, nutritionist or homeopath. Do avoid smoking and alcohol as these are bad for your health and that of your unborn child. Be sure to get plenty of rest and sleep and to exercise regularly. Yoga has been found to be particularly helpful during pregnancy. Increase your intake of iron-rich foods to keep up with an increase demand. Foods rich in iron include green, leafy vegetables, black strap molasses, dried peaches and apricots, beans and lentils, whole grains, seeds (sunflower and pumpkin), nuts and eggs.

                Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron so take a fresh citrus drink with a meal to increase your iron intake. Avoid tea, especially with a meal, as it actually prevents iron from being absorbed. Iron tablets often have side effects such as constipation so ask your homeopath about safe homeopathic alternatives if you need extra iron and are not able to get it from your diet. 

                Many of the above foods are also high in frolic acid, an important trace mineral that helps with the absorption of iron and is essential for a health pregnancy.



There are effective remedies to help deal with possible problems during childbirth, such as a cervix which is slow to dilate, pain, excessive bleeding, retained placenta and other difficulties.
Aconite: The labor is too fast, the pins are very strong and you have a feeling of panic.
Arnica: An indispensable remedy that can be given from time to time during labor to help the muscles function properly, to relieve the over-exertion of labor and reduce the bruised feeling after delivery.
Kali phos: For simple exhaustion during labor, mental, emotional and physical.
Caullophyllum: For a difficult labor where the cervix is slow to dilate and the pains are strong but ineffective. You feel cold and trembly.
Pulsatilla: When contractions are irregular and weak, the cervix is slow to dilate and you feel miserable, clingy and tearful. You may talk about wanting to give up and go home.

Healing after the Childbirth
After the birth, you can use homeopathic remedies to speed up healing for yourself and your baby- This will help you to enjoy the whole experience more:
Aconite: For shock following the fear of the intensity of birth, in yourself, your partner or your baby.
Amica: To relieve soreness, bruising and after-pains. Also helpful for babies who are bruised. If you are still sore after three days, take Bellis perennis to help with bruising to deep muscle tissues.
Kali phos: For mental exhaustion after delivery, with headache, tiredness but too excited to sleep, especially in the first day or two after the birth.
Pulsatilla: Postnatal ‘blues’, especially when the milk comes in. You feel utterly miserable and burst into tears at the slightest thing but you feel much better for being comforted.


Homeopaths recognize that breast milk gives babies a good start in life, so do keep in touch with your midwife, breastfeeding counselor and/or your homeopath if you want to breastfeed but find it painful or difficult or both.
                One useful remedy is Phytolacca for sore, cracked nipples, which hurt when the baby nurses. It is also useful for breast infections where there are painful lumps in the breast.

Treating Babies

Babies tend to respond quickly to homeopathic treatment. There are homeopathic remedies to help relieve the pains of colic or teething, nappy rash and more serious problems. We advise you to consult one of our members if you want homeopathic treatment for your baby and see our leaflet “Homeopathy for Babies and Children.”

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