Heart Disease and Psychosomatic Disorders

Heart Disease and Psychosomatic Disorders

Your Personality

There is an association between a Type A personality and heart disease. The person with a Type a personality juggles with events believes in doing two or more things at the same time, is ambitious, anxious and impatient. He or she wants things in life to move fast. Type A personalities besides being anxious can be angry, tense, pressurized and competitive. They are twice as likely to develop heart disease as compared to Type B personality.
Along with these personalities comes the modern era of competitive working, fast foods and sedentary lifestyles. Also added to it, is the party time. Many of us label it as “contact time”. Therefore the body and mind are not relaxed, but working overtime. At all working hours the whole body system is active and may be subconsciously too, while sleeping. Do you realize the pressure one is putting on oneself? How long will it last? Will you not crack down?


Depression is another area precipitation heart disease. Research shows that depression can trigger heart problems. Safeguarding mental health is also important for heart attack survivors. It was seen that depressed heart attack patients were more than twice as likely to die or have heart problems in the two years following a heart attack.

Perhaps, the most important way to deal with psychosomatic problems is to prevent heart disease.

Psychologists insist that it is our attitude and emotions which need to be tackled. Here are a few tips to help you achieve this:

ü  Write down what upsets you.
ü  Note your attitude towards things that disturb you.
ü  Take away negative thoughts from your mind, think of something pleasant or positive.
ü  Control your anger.
ü  Articulate what you feel.
ü  Don’t bottle up too much inside. Discuss your problems with people close to you (friends or relatives). Try solving them positively.
ü  Hear soothing music.
ü  Some people, when depressed or upset have a tendency to overeat. They become obese. Try and cut down on too many sweets and carbohydrates. If you feel like eating, combine some of them with salads, fruits, etc.
ü  Try to relax and meditate.
ü  Take nice long walks and exercise regularly.

ü  Stress management skills also help recognize and reduce emotional over reactions.

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