Women and Heart Attack

Heart Attack

In the lining of the coronary artery, a blood clot forms on the top of a plaque. This causes blockage of that artery. The blood full of oxygen required for that artery. The blood full of oxygen required for the heart muscles is blocked off. This leads to starvation of that portion of the heart muscles. As a result, this part of the heart muscle in the left ventricle gets severely damaged or dies. This is known as infarction. As this occurs in the myocardium or muscle, it is medically termed as Myocardial Infarction (MI) or heart attack.

coronary arteries

Women and Heart Attack

Heart attack in women is on the rise. One reason for this can be that more women are entering the previously male dominated world of business, industry and also the irregular working schedules. Also, stress, tension, unhealthy eating habits smoking, alcohol and lack of exercise have come into play. Scientifically, it has been proven that after menopause women become more susceptible to heart disease. Lack of estrogen is responsible for this.

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