Prognosis of Drug and Drink Addiction Therapy

Prognosis of Drug and Drink Addiction Therapy

In some advanced countries of the world such as, the USA where the Drug or Drink addicts complete their therapeutic programme successfully in well-equipped Hospitals, the prognosis of their therapy combining medical, psychological and sociological and also participation in AA procedures has not been satisfactory. For example, in a follow-up of 1881 Drug-addicts, discharged from the Lexington Hospital in the USA more than 90 per cent of those released became addict again after six months. Some authorities however, have claimed that 60 to 80 per cent of Alcoholics might be helped to achieve permanent sobriety. However, the prognosis varies from addict to addict. Those who harbor a death-wish would like to drink themselves to death rather than be cured of their Alcoholism.
Thus, it appears that therapy of Drug or Drink addiction even in the properly-equipped Hospitals of the most advanced countries of the world could only direct the Drug or Drink addict on the road to recovery but could not give any guarantee for his life-time immunity from such addiction. However, notwithstanding such a pessimistic observation about the prognosis of the best available therapy of Drug and Drink Addiction, we should keep up our spirit for discovering the most suitable techniques for successful treatment of such cases in the future. If suitable arrangements could be made to change the personality pattern of the addicts concerned as my system of medistic psycho-therapy aims at therapy aims at thereby eliminating their unconscious motivation and craving for such addiction much better prognosis of Drug or Drink Addiction Therapy could be obtained in the future. For the purpose, properly designed research in this direction should be conducted by the specialists.
My system of medistic psychotherapy is a combination of individual psycho-analysis and Suggestive psycho-therapy techniques. It attempts to cure the addict by changing his abnormal personality-pattern, which compelled him initially to indulge in drug or drink habituation as an escapist device from the environmental stress, until he became a confirmed addict.
Some psycho-neurotic patients, who were also tranquilizing Drug-addicts, were cured by me of their addiction after they completed the required seven sessions of medistic psycho-therapy. The few marijuana and pethidine addicts, who came to me for treatment, did not show much promising result. Most of the Pethidine addicts were qualified Physicians. Easy availability of the drug was mostly responsible for such a gloomy prognosis of Marijuana and Pethidine addiction Therapy.

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