Showing posts with label Health Tips.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Tips.. Show all posts

Danger of smoking

Dangers of smoking

It goes without saying that smoking is a very and habit. In spite of knowing the truth. More than eighty percent people l of our country is in the habit of smoking. It is smoking which is the cause of many fatal diseases. It causes cancer, heart attack chronic, bronchitis and much other disease it is said that one puff of cigarette smoke cantinas fifteen billions partials of injurious matters. Nicotine is one of them. Ti prevents the free flow of blood through the veins of human bodies. It reduces the supply of oxygen in the body of the smoker. It damages our lungs and harms the nerves, damages the brain and sometimes spoils the character. A Smoker can harm a non-smoker. If a non-smoker stands by the side of a smoker at time of smoking, it can be as dangerous as to the smoker. Because at the time of taking breath, he takes the smokes of cigarettes which is harmful for his body. It is a matter of joy that there is no smoker in our family.  All the members of our family are aware of the eyes, offend the nose and unsettle the mind. For this reason, I think smoking in public places should be banned. 

Effects of Smoking Cigarettes

Smoking kills the heart

Cigarette smoking is one of the major public health hazards in the developed and developing countries. It has been estimated that a 25 years old male who smokes twenty cigarettes per day will shorten his life by 8-10 years compared to his non-smoking counterpart. Others evils such as cancer and lung diseases aside, smoking are one of the most important risk factors of coronary artery disease (CAD). Epidemiological studies in USA showed that; overall age adjusted 6-year risk of CAD death was 2.3 time higher for cigarette smokers compared to non-smokers. As for the females, smoking and use of oral contraceptives carried a joint impact of a ten-fold increase in CAD compared to their counterparts.

The damage from smoking is ‘dose related’. Pipe and cigar smokers were said to have less propensity to heart disease while use of efficient filters were thought to reduce the risk of smoking. But the only certain way to protect your heart is to quit smoking! Remember, when you quit smoking, you spare the “passive” (involuntary smokers who work in the same office with the smokers, spouses of smoker etc.). Passive smokers are also prone to develop heart attack, lung cancer etc. The good news is that you could reverse many of the adverse effects of smoking by quitting now. Within 2 years of quitting smoking, the heart attack risk is reduced to half that in smokers. Within 10 years, the risk of heart disease is the same as that in non-smokers. Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risk to your death.

Kicking out the smoking habit does not come easy. Determination is the most important factor to success. Set an auspicious date to quit smoking and tell your close friends (particularly the smoking ones) and relatives about it to enlist social support. List the long-term health benefits of quitting smoking, and if this seems too remote think of the immediate rewards such as cleaner breath and improved stamina and money saving. Many people who succeeded in kicking smoking began to gain weight. They regained their appetite, and tended to snacks when they carved for cigarettes. So keep a stock of low- calorie snacks on hand when you watch TV or read. Others turn to regular exercises to over come the craving.

The are a variety of interventions to reduce smoking. On an average, about 5 percent of smokers will discontinue the habit for 1 year after receiving a physician’s advice, although the rate of quitting will be higher in more highly motivated cohorts. Nicotine gum or trans dermal patches may increase the 1 –year likelihood of smoking cessation by 30 to 100 percent. Nicotine withdrawal can be managed by tapering cigarette smoking, gradually changing to lower nicotine cigarettes and substituting chewing of nicotine gum. Nicotine gum is prescribed as needed, up to 30 doses per day. The average patient uses 10 doses per day and the frequency of dosing declines over a 1 to 3 month period.

The association between hart disease and smoking is well known to lay public. Myocardial infarction (heart attack) or  by pass surgery is a sufficient impetus for 20 to 60 per cent of patients to stop smoking.

Group counseling can increase rate of quitting. Public programs also are effective, with television advertisements against smoking among the most cost effective.
Stop smoking right now. 

Exercise in the morning for Heart

Exercise but when, Morning or Afternoon?

The time of onset of myocardial infarction (heart attack) and other ischaemic heart events and arrhythmic episodes (irregularities of heart) display a circadian rhythm (variation of time of occurrence) with peak occurrence in the early morning between 6 am and noon. This may be related to morning surges of hormone cortisol, increased blood level of catecholamine and greater platelet agreeability that occurs in the morning as compared with the afternoon. Since exercise may also precipitate ischaemic heart events, it has been postulated that it is safer to exercise in the afternoon than in the morning. But there was no statistically significant difference between the risks of exercising in the morning vs. the afternoon. The risk of untoward cardiac events during regular exercise is low in patients with heart disease, whether they exercise in the morning or the afternoon. Data suggest that the answer to the clinical question of when patients with heart disease should perform regular, sub maximal exercise is clear: AM and PM are both safe.

Health benefits of Exercise

Exercise has got the following health benefits

1.  Caloric expenditure and total time of physical activity are associated with reduced cardiovascular disease incidence and morality.
2. There is a dose-response relationship for this association.
3. Regular moderate physical activity as short as 8 to 10 minutes, totaling 30 minutes or more on most days provide beneficial health and fitness effect.

A number of physical and social environmental factors can affect provide encouragement, or be companions during physical activity. The environment often presents important barriers to participation in physical activity, including a lack of bicycle trails and walking paths away from traffic, inclement weather and unsafe neighborhoods. Excessive television viewing may also deter persons from being physically active.

Specialist and Physicians in Banladesh

This is a list of specialist Doctor Acupuncture, Allergy, Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Chest physician, Colorectal surgeon, cosmetic, Dentistry, Dermatology, Endocrinology, ENT, Gastroenterology, Gynecology, Hematology, Hepatology, Medicine Specialist, Pathology and Histopathology, Urology, Sinology, Surgery general, Radiology, Psychiatry, Community Medicine, Eye in Bangladesh.

  1. Acupuncture-pain-and-paralysis in Bangladesh.
  2. Allergy-anesthesiology-and-icu in Bangladesh
  3. Cardiology Specialist in Bangladesh
  4. Chest-physician Specialist in Bangladesh
  5. Colorectal-surgery Specialist in Bangladesh
  6. Cosmetic-surgery Specialist in Bangladesh
  7. Dentistry Specialist in Bangladesh
  8. Dermatology Specialist in Bangladesh
  9. Endocrinology Specialist in Bangladesh
  10. ENT Specialist in Bangladesh
  11. Gastroenterology Specialist in Bangladesh.
  12. Gynecology Specialist in Bangladesh
  13. Hematology Specialist in Bangladesh
  14. Hepatology Specialist in Bangladesh
  15. Medicine Specialist in Bangladesh
  16. Pathology and Histopathology Specialist in Bangladesh
  17. Neuro-medicine Specialist in Bangladesh
  18. Neuro-surgery-in-Bangladesh
  19. Nutritionist-in-Bangladesh
  20. Oncology Specialist in Bangladesh
  21. EYE Specialist in Bangladesh
  22. Orthopedics-in-Bangladesh
  23. Paediatrics-in-Bangladesh
  24. PGD Surgery Specialist in Bangladesh
  25. Physical-medicine Specialist in Bangladesh
  26. Psychiatry Specialist in Bangladesh
  27. Radiology Specialist in Bangladesh
  28. Rheumatology Specialist in Bangladesh
  29. Surgery-general Specialist in Bangladesh
  30. Sinology Specialist in Bangladesh
  31. Urology Specialist in Bangladesh
  32. Community Medicine Specialist in Bangladesh

Amenorrhoea pity with Ulat Kambal

Ulat Kambal
  • Amenorrhoea pity - Ulat Kambal root bark brought four draws and two pepper grind regularly enjoying a period of seven days prior predicament.

Sexual intercourse with Myrobalan

Preventive measures of the disease, including sexual intercourse 

Comply with the following rules can be used to prevent disease. 

  • During the summer months - including sugarcane molasses enjoying regular Myrobalan.
  • Monsoon period - including the regular Myrobalan enjoying saiddhaba salt. 
  • During the autumn - Myrobalan enjoying sugar regularly. 
  • In autumn - including powdered ginger sumtha enjoying regular Myrobalan. 
  • During the winter period - including pepper, crushed Myrobalan taken regularly. 
  • In spring - with honey enjoying regular Myrobalan.

Sexual intercourse and Vaginal injuries - Alakusi

This post is use of Alakusi.


  • If the problem of sexual intercourse, and abdominal air to autism - the amount of powdered seeds alakusi oral with cool water.
  • Blood and bile diseases - such as alakusi cooked amaranth leaves are good to eat, washed  exceeded.
  • On vaginal injuries - including alakusira the water boiled in the cold water after the special benefits available Apply with cotton soaked on the vagina.
  • Blood guilt and nodose rheumatism - alakusira regular oral decoration.

Reducing Fat with Honey and lemon

The way of reducing fat in times

  1. One teaspoon of triphala powder 200 gm night moisten with water and boil it in the morning. Boil encircle half the water shall then take it. And take it on an empty stomach eat hot within the premises of the weave in a teaspoon of honey. After a few days apart may benefit.
  2.  Hot water, honey and lemon juice in the morning, though enjoying the benefits found in the weave.

Constipation Medicine Gourd, Apple and Papaya

The domestic medicine Constipation

  1. Water intake is an apple and an apple on a regular basis and the food and drink the night away constipation is fit.
  2.  1 cup of morning drink the juice of bottle gourd may be gutted. With all sorts of bowel disease and bowel disease in the future shall not be removed.
  3.  Papaya can be eaten on a regular basis, if it is not constipation.

Diabetes treatment by Cucumber, Gourd, tomato Cherry-stone

The domestic treatment of diabetes

  • 1. Cucumber, gourd and tomato juice in a country carries out on an empty stomach in the morning after drinking the juice if the diabetes is controlled.

  • 2. Cherry-stone seed powder turns in the morning - on an empty stomach evenings drinking water if the diabetes is controlled with the weave.

  • 3. 8 - the neem leaves in the morning on an empty stomach with water weave enjoying the ease of making diabetes.

Bowel Disease For Opium.


Moderate amounts of opium falling - increases digestion. Bowel disease who regularly suffer moderate amounts of opium consumption is beneficial for them

Health tips for Everyone

Health tips

eating food
1.       Fish, Beef liver and Poultry are all good sources of B6 that helps to form hemoglobin (part of your red blood cells), thus prevent anemia.
2.       Many people feel that donating blood makes them week.  It is not true. It takes 1-2 days to replenish the fluid volume and 3 months for regeneration of red cells.
3.       The highest concentration of vitamin-A is found in sweet potatoes. Beef liver, spinach, fish, milk eggs and carrots are also good sources.
4.       Vitamin K in green and leafy vegetables is a crucial ingredient for blood clotting. Without in, your body would not be able to stop bleeding.
5.       Vitamin-B1, in nuts and fish, helps body to turn carbohydrates into energy. It is also an important nutrient for brain and nervous system to run properly.
6.       Zinc is important for immune function and is also important for your senses of taste and smell. Include zinc rich food like meat, shellfish and nuts in your diet.
7.       Numerous foods provide Vitamin-E. Nuts, seeds and vegetable oils are the best sources and significant amounts are available in green leafy vegetables and cereals.
8.       Yogurt is a great source of protein. The protein keeps you feeling full a little longer. It does have some liquid so it provides some hydration also.


a.       Eat heart-healthy diet. Include potassium and fiber and drink plenty of water. Stay at a healthy body weight. Thus you can control your blood pressure.
b.      Children between the ages of one and three need to have around 350mg of calcium a day. About 300ml of milk would provide this.
c.       Unsaturated fats can lower cholesterol and provides us essential fatty acids needed to stay healthy. Oily fish, nuts, olive oils are unsaturated fat.
d.      Fats and sugar are the sources of energy for the body, but when we eat too much of them we consume more energy than we burn and this means that we put on weight.
e.      Eggs are a good choice as part of a healthy, balanced diet. As well as being a source of protein, they also contain vitamins and minerals.
f.        Eating a healthy diet is a key step to feeling your best every day and supporting your immune system to avoid poor health in the future.
g.       People with low back pain should avoid sit-ups and crunches. Improper posture during these exercises can actually do a lot of harm.
h.      Smoking delays healing of peptic ulcers increases the risk of osteoporosis, cataracts, gallstones and male impotence. Quit Smoking today.

Diabetes Prevention and Control is in your hands.

health tips
1.       Regular exercise helps your body respond to insulin and known to be effective in managing blood glucose. Exercise lowers blood glucose and reduce medication amount.
2.       Women with diabetes during pregnancy are at increased risk of developing type-2 diabetes later in life. Regular screening is recommended.
3.       Eating, exercising and taking diabetes medicines at a fixed time everyday gives better control of blood sugar.

4.       Adding garlic to your daily food will help to lower blood sugar and decrease cholesterol levels.

Prevention of Drug and Drink Addiction

Prevention of Drug and Drink Addiction

In order to devise suitable measures for prevention of Drug and Drink addiction we should fist try to find out the etiological factors, which were originally responsible for those addictions, such as,

1.       The per-disposing and

2.       The precipitating causes.

The following preventive measures might be recommended against the predisposing causes:
         i.            The parents should adopt psychologically sound child rearing practices; so that they could help they could help their children develop into mentally healthy and strong personalities. This would prevent them from drug or drink addiction, during stressful situations in adult life.
       ii.            The children should also be properly educated in well-equipped schools, having qualified teachers trained in educational guidance techniques, so that they could assist such children to develop into bold and dynamic personalities by participating in co-curricular activities, along with their education in school subjects. These would also prevent them from developing drug or drink addiction during stressful situations later on.
      iii.            The state should also provide the required minimum necessities of life for its citizen, such as, food, clothing, and home, medical and educational facilities. For the purpose, it should build up a strong economic foundation throughout the country, so that the above-mentioned basic needs of its citizens could be properly met. Furthermore, the State should also guarantee a sense of security for its citizens by adopting necessary measures, so that they would not have to resort to escapist designs, during the most insecure and stressful situations by indulging in drug or drink addiction.
     iv.            The Department of Narcotics and Liquor of the country should also effectively control illegal traffic in narcotic drugs and alcoholic drinks within the country. Such control would act as a preventive measure against any possibility of drug and drink addiction of its citizens. For the purpose, the Police, the Military and the Public should jointly assist the Department of Narcotics and Liquor to effectively control such illegal traffic in drugs and drinks.
       v.            Prevention of Drug and Drink addiction could also be effected through the spread of education, regarding the dangerous possibilities of such addiction. For example, it might induce the addict to indulge in immoral and anti-social act ivies. Thus, he would become an undesirable burden on the family and the society.
     vi.            Earl detection by near relations of the symptoms of Drug or Drink addiction in a person might also lead to the prevention of such addiction. The early symptoms of possible addiction are the following:-

a.       Consuming drug or drink in the morning

b.      Gradually increasing consumption of drug or drink

c.       Displaying erratic behavior

d.      Forgetting such erratic bout when normal.

When a person shows the above-mentioned symptoms, necessary preventive measures should be taken at once in consultation with qualified Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Social Workers. The following preventive measures could also be adopted against the precipitating causes of such addictions:-
a.       To give necessary guidance and counseling to any person, under terrible stress, due to extreme anxiety, insecurity, frustration and loneliness, originating from environmental causes, so as to prevent him from becoming a drug or drink addict by resorting to such escapist devices, repeatedly.
b.      To give necessary moral and religious advice to persons, indulging in drug or drink addiction, in order to escape from his duties and responsibilities or just to enjoy fun or even to commit some immoral or criminal acts an finally.
c.       The most effective preventive measure against any possible relapse of a cured drug or drink addict would be to keep him under the supervision of a properly organized Rehabilitation Centre, which should act as a half-way house before he is handed over to his near relations for his final adjustment with the community.
Some well-equipped organizations, like the Alcoholic Anonymous or the Addict Anonymous or the Syn-anon House would be the most suitable Rehabilitation Center to properly train up a cured former addict in some trade or profession in the future.

Prognosis of Drug and Drink Addiction Therapy

Prognosis of Drug and Drink Addiction Therapy

In some advanced countries of the world such as, the USA where the Drug or Drink addicts complete their therapeutic programme successfully in well-equipped Hospitals, the prognosis of their therapy combining medical, psychological and sociological and also participation in AA procedures has not been satisfactory. For example, in a follow-up of 1881 Drug-addicts, discharged from the Lexington Hospital in the USA more than 90 per cent of those released became addict again after six months. Some authorities however, have claimed that 60 to 80 per cent of Alcoholics might be helped to achieve permanent sobriety. However, the prognosis varies from addict to addict. Those who harbor a death-wish would like to drink themselves to death rather than be cured of their Alcoholism.
Thus, it appears that therapy of Drug or Drink addiction even in the properly-equipped Hospitals of the most advanced countries of the world could only direct the Drug or Drink addict on the road to recovery but could not give any guarantee for his life-time immunity from such addiction. However, notwithstanding such a pessimistic observation about the prognosis of the best available therapy of Drug and Drink Addiction, we should keep up our spirit for discovering the most suitable techniques for successful treatment of such cases in the future. If suitable arrangements could be made to change the personality pattern of the addicts concerned as my system of medistic psycho-therapy aims at therapy aims at thereby eliminating their unconscious motivation and craving for such addiction much better prognosis of Drug or Drink Addiction Therapy could be obtained in the future. For the purpose, properly designed research in this direction should be conducted by the specialists.
My system of medistic psychotherapy is a combination of individual psycho-analysis and Suggestive psycho-therapy techniques. It attempts to cure the addict by changing his abnormal personality-pattern, which compelled him initially to indulge in drug or drink habituation as an escapist device from the environmental stress, until he became a confirmed addict.
Some psycho-neurotic patients, who were also tranquilizing Drug-addicts, were cured by me of their addiction after they completed the required seven sessions of medistic psycho-therapy. The few marijuana and pethidine addicts, who came to me for treatment, did not show much promising result. Most of the Pethidine addicts were qualified Physicians. Easy availability of the drug was mostly responsible for such a gloomy prognosis of Marijuana and Pethidine addiction Therapy.

Placement of children: Child Guidance Movement

Placement of children

After proper classification of the children the Child guidance techniques are applied for their proper placement, guidance, therapy or education. The environment in which the child has to be admitted should, however, be commensurate with its needs, aptitudes and abilities.
The institutions for proper Placement or such children are as follows:-

                     i.            Parental Home
                   ii.            Foster home
                  iii.            Ordinary Day school
                 iv.            Ordinary boarding school
                   v.            Special boarding school
                 vi.            Special day school
                vii.            Vocational school
              viii.            Reformatory school
                 ix.            Child guidance clinic
                   x.            Hospital etc.
The therapeutic or educational techniques of the child guidance clinic may be profitably applied to the child, requiring guidance, when it is properly placed in an appropriate institution. For educational purposes, the child should be admitted in the appropriate class of a suitable instable institution, consistent with its IQ, its needs, aptitudes and abilities. The clinic or the Psychiatric Hospital is the best institution for guidance or therapy of the problem children. Other institutions may also provide necessary facilities for their therapy and education.

