Danger of smoking

Dangers of smoking

It goes without saying that smoking is a very and habit. In spite of knowing the truth. More than eighty percent people l of our country is in the habit of smoking. It is smoking which is the cause of many fatal diseases. It causes cancer, heart attack chronic, bronchitis and much other disease it is said that one puff of cigarette smoke cantinas fifteen billions partials of injurious matters. Nicotine is one of them. Ti prevents the free flow of blood through the veins of human bodies. It reduces the supply of oxygen in the body of the smoker. It damages our lungs and harms the nerves, damages the brain and sometimes spoils the character. A Smoker can harm a non-smoker. If a non-smoker stands by the side of a smoker at time of smoking, it can be as dangerous as to the smoker. Because at the time of taking breath, he takes the smokes of cigarettes which is harmful for his body. It is a matter of joy that there is no smoker in our family.  All the members of our family are aware of the eyes, offend the nose and unsettle the mind. For this reason, I think smoking in public places should be banned. 

