Non-Cardiac Chest pain- Incisional probles

Incisional problems

It is important to know that most of the patients experience non-cardiac chest pain related either to the incision on the breast bone or to ribs on either side of the midline  This type of pain is usually different from the heart pain experienced by the patient in the past. It is important to distinguish between the two. Incisional pain is usually aggravated by coughing, sneezing or sudden changes in body position. Nitroglycerine tablet or spray under tongue will not relieve the pain. This pain is usually relieved by analgesic tablets like paracetamol, indomethacin etc. The patient must be informed that the incisional pain will diminish in time but may recur when there is an adverse change in the weather or when the patient overdose physically. This pain related to cut mark will become less frequent and bothersome as time goes by.

The long cut marks on legs are usually made to harvest sections of veins for using them as by pass channels during operation. There may be local pain and some swelling in the areas of these incisions. Patient may feel some sense of numbness of the skin on either side of the incisions. Patient may have some swelling around the ankle joint for time being. This will disappear in time and should not cause concern. If the patient develops swelling with redness along with discharge of watery substance or pus from the leg or chest wounds, doctor to be consulted immediately?

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