Myocardial infarction symptoms

How is the pain of Myocardial infarction symptoms 

The pain of heart attack is similar in location, radiation and character, but is far more severe and prolonged. Such pain may be described  by patients as crushing in intensity or a feeling as “ if someone were sitting on my chest”. Although usually described as a squeezing, choking, or heavy pain, it may also be characterized as a stabbing, knifelike, boring, or burning discomfort. The pain is usually located in the central chest and may spread frequently to both sides of the chest, with predilection for the left side. Often the pain radiates down the inner aspect of the left arm, producing a tingling sensation in the left wrist, hand, and even fingers. Some patients note only a dull aching pain or feeling of uneasiness of the wrists in association with severe central chest pain. In addition to the pain, other symptoms are usually present in a heart attack. Heart attack pain may be accompanied by breathlessness. Patient feels difficulty in breathing. Pain may be associated with profuse sweating. Patient may develop vomiting or nausea (vomiting tendency). The victim commonly becomes very pale or ashen in color and may feel faint on standing up. You should suspect a heart attack with moderate to severe pain lasting beyond 15-20 minutes and in the absence of a specific cause. This requires immediate medical attention.

