Heart attacks management

 Important steps in the management of heart attack

1.     Oxygen inhalation
2.     Aspirin is an important medicine in the treatment of heart attack. Aspirin alone in dose 160 mg per day may reduce fatality by 21% and if aspirin and streptokinase are both used mortality can be reduced by 39%. Aspirin should be started as soon as the patient is admitted and given daily until discharged from the hospital, at which time it can be continued at a dose of 75 mg to 325 mg daily in absence of any specific contraindication.
3.     Nitroglycerine: either by mouth or through intravenous infusion.
4.     Morphine for relief of chest pain.
5.     Beta blockers for prevention of recurrent heart attack and sudden death.

6.     Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors for prevention of ventricular remodeling (heart dilatation).

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