Ischaemic heart disease

What is silent Ischaemic Heart Disease

Some times it may happen that you have gone to a doctor for routine heart check up but you do not have any chest pain or previous history of heart disease and after doing ECG your doctor tells you that you are having heart disease. Sometimes ECG may be done for other reasons like preoperative risk stratification or to fill up insurance company protocol or reemployment check up or during annual confidential report time and it is found that your ECG is abnormal. If you do not have any chest symptoms but your ECG reveals abnormality, you must have a thorough cardiac checkup. If you do not have chest pain it does not mean that you can not have block in your coronary artery. Some people in spite of having block in heart circulation do not have chest pain. This means that you have disease but your “warning system” is defective. Silent ischaemia is one of the causes of sudden death. Why some patient get severe pain and other do not is not well recognized. But probably it is due to the variability of individual pain threshold. Pain threshold varies from person to person. Some are afraid of taking a simple injection but some can stitch there own wound him. Possibly some patients do not have angina in spite of having significant ischaemic changes in ECG.

          If your ECG is abnormal it does not always mean that you are having blocked but it is a genuine called normal variant ECG (that means functional deviation from the normal status). Even then if you're ECG is found to be abnormal at routine check up, you must undergo adequate examination to exclude or to establish coronary artery block. You must remember that a fire may remain hidden under ashes for a long time but it may burst at any time. So, beware of it and do not neglect.

