Recommended Physical Activity

 Physical activity recommended

The previous recommendation was 20 to 60 minutes moderate to high intensity endurance exercise three or more times per week. But recent recommendations differ from the earlier report. It is now recommended that adult should accumulate 30 minutes or more of moderate –intensity physical activity on most, preferably all days of the week. Adults who engage in moderate-intensity physical activity-ie, enough to expend approximately 200 calories, per day, can expect many of the health benefits. To expend these calories, about 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity should be accumulated during the course of the day. One way to meet this standard is to walk 2 miles briskly.

Intermittent activity also confers substantial benefits. Therefore, the recommended 30 minutes of activity can be accumulated in short bouts of activity : walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, walking instead of driving short distances, pedaling a stationary cycle while watching television. Those who perform lower-intensity activities should do them more often, for longer periods of times or both. People who prefer more formal exercise may choose to walk or participate in more vigorous activities, such as jogging, swimming or cycling for 30 minutes daily. Sports and recreational activities, such as tennis of golf, can also be applied to the daily total.

Most adults do not need to see their physicians before starting a moderate-intensity physical activity program. However, men older than 40 years and women older than 50 years who plan a vigorous program or who have either chronic disease or risk factors of cardiovascular disease should consult their physician to design a safe, effective program.

