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A heart attack is like an earthquake. It can be years in the making but in can hit with out any warning. Yet, unlike an earthquake, a heart attack can be prevented. This dreadful disease may threaten your life when you are about to ascend the highest and most glorious pinnacle of victory or when you are passing through the most useful moment of responsibility and valuable moment of existence. Heart disease is fatal but timely preventive measures can defend its attack. One must remember that prevention is always better than cure.

The idea that entire knowledge of medical science is poured only on the Doctors/Physicians or absolutely reserves the jurisdiction by them is not at all correct. Knowledge about this killing disease, therefore needs must be in the awareness of all at least of the preventive measure, care and emergency treatment.

This blog has been written to give you the general information regarding the prevention of heart attack and how to live a better life after a heart attack or after bypass operation. Information’s of purely academic value have not been included in this blog. This blog has been prepared from the layman’s perspective. So, it is not for the medical students or doctors.

Heart attacks are very common and can cause great alarm. Yet, most survivors of heart attacks return to normal lives and many find that they enjoy even more than they did before the attack! A heart attack can be a frightening experience, but once the first few hours are over, the chances of recovery are excellent, the heart starts healing, and plans can be made for the future. Good planning means understanding what the problem is and what can be done to make the heart as healthy as possible. This blog also emphasizes the important role of cardiovascular rehabilitation, which is a multidisciplinary intervention that includes exercise training, change of dietary habit, risk factor modification psychological support, counseling and education. Together with treatment either medical or surgical, cardiovascular rehabilitation will help you recover faster, feel better and live a healthier life.

The matters described in this blog are not intended as a substitute for the advice your doctor/cardiologist may give you, based on his knowledge of you and your particular illness. You should therefore follow his advice given individually to you even if it is different from the suggestions reflected in this blog.   

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