Fast Food- Fast die! Very easiest!

Fast Food – fast die!

One of the easiest means of rapidly acquiring a have load of fat and cholesterol is the fast food restaurant. One of five persons in the United States visits a fast-food restaurant every day and four of five every month. Famous fast food producer McDonald’s alone has employed more than 8 million workers, 7% of the US work force, and it has replaced the US army as America’s largest job training organization. One hamburger on an average contains 500-1100 calories, 5-14 teaspoons of fat and 1000-1800 mg of sodium. Cheeseburger and beef burger also contains almost same amount of fat. So regular habit of taking fast food is simply dangerous. This fast food is simply dangerous. These fast foods lead to fast plaque formation.

Types of cholesterol lowering medicines

1.     Statin group: Four stain drugs are popular in lowering blood lipid (cholesterol). They are Simvastitin, Lavastatin, Pravastatin, and Fluvastatin. These drugs are taken once a day. Not only do these drugs lower the serum LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol, but they raise the blood HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) approximately 6% and lower the triglyceride level by 20%. Side effects in low dose are rare but liver function tests and muscle enzymes may be checked time to time. Equivalent doses of different statins would be 10 mg simvastatin 20mg loveatatin 20 mg pravastatin 40 mg fluvastatin. The Scandinavian Dimvastatin Survival Study conclusively proved that imvastatin is safe and improves survival in patients with coronary artery disease either angina pectoris op previous heart attack. Simvastatin could decrease LDL level or Patents by 25 to 35% and increased HDL level by 8%. The incidence of death and heart attack was reduced by 34%. There was 37% reduction in requirement of myocardial revascularization in the group of patients treated with simvastatin. In the West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study –a primary prevention trial in hypercholesterolaemic men-a treatment with pravastatin (pravacol for 4-9 years led to a 30% relative risk of major coronary events.
2.     Fib rate Group: the most popular fibrate is gemfibrozil which lowers the triglyceride level more effectively than any of the other lipid lowering drugs. Helsinki heart study has clearly demonstrated gemfibrozil in dose upto 1.2 gm per day can reduce the risk of fatal and non fatal heart attack by 34%. The dose of gemfibrozil varies from 300 mg to 1200 mg per day. Liver function tests to be checked after starting gemfibrozil. Clofibrate group of drugs like bezafibrate 200-300 mg per day or ciprofibrate 100-200 mg day or fenofibrate 200-400 mg per day may be used in the treatment of high cholesterol.
3.     Cholestyramine: The bile acid resins ate the safest of the cholesterol lowering medicines but these medicines must be taken in huge amounts to have the same effects on LDL –cholesterol as do the smaller doses of the statin drugs.
4.     Niacin: It is a vitamin when taken in high does generally 1.5 gm per day , may be thought of as a poor man’s statin drug. Niacin is the best HDL cholesterol raiser of the lipid lowering agents. Its side effects are flushing, itching and head pounding.

Butchers slaughter the cows and in turn the cows slaughter us!

Beef is laden with plenty of saturated fat which increases the blood cholesterol level. If clinically significant atherosclerosis is to be prevented or arrested, the amount of fat consumed must be diminished. An easy way to decrease fat consumption is to decrease flesh consumption. The ideal of course is a pure vegetarian diet that provides no more than approximately 10% of calories from fat. Not many persons are desirous, however, of becoming vegetarians, but that should be our goal. To prevent heart attack, however, at least the quantity o flesh consumed must be decreased. With 21 meals a week, we must make more of them meatless. The type of flesh consumed also must be altered. Bovine and porcine muscles are the most heavily laden with fat, and therefore their quantity must be decreased the most. The fat of all red meats is predominantly saturated and only 2% of the fat is polyunsaturated. The fat laden skin of chicken must be avoided. Additionally, we need to avoid snacks between meals, because many of them are laden with fat and calories, and desserts except on special occasion.

Fish is beneficial for patients with heart disease?

Fish is the preferred flesh because it contains relatively little fat. Fish also contains some favorable fatty acids in contrast to that in the muscle of cows, pigs, sheep etc. Fish oil contains an ometa-3 unsaturated fatty acid that keeps the blood thin and prevents platelet aggregation thus prevents heart attack. Fish oil also prevents the process of thrombosis. Sea fishes are rich is favorable fatty acids. Fish that contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids include Salomon, tuna sardines etc. But ordinary soft water fishes are also beneficial. It is advised that one should take fish at least twice a week. The consumption of 30 to 40 gm per day of fish in the diet, especially as a substitute for food containing saturated fatty acids, may be recommended for the possible primary or secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. There is no evidence to support the use of concentrated n-3 fatty acids in fish oil or as ethyl esters for the prevention or treatment of coronary artery disease. Fish oil omega -3 fatty acids are commercially available. 1 omega-3 marine fatty acids capsule contains approximately 1.1 ml of concentrated fish oils. The recommended dose is 5 capsules twice daily with food. The available data from published clinical trials are insufficient to recommend the use of dietary fish oil for the prevention of recurrent stenosis following coronary angioplasty.

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