Rehabilitation after Heart Surgery

Rehabilitation after Heart Surgery

After heart attack: Death rate has been reduced substantially during the last decade. Mortality has been reduced from 25% to only 7-10%. Though heart attack is very frustrating but patient can lead almost a normal life after the episode if he takes medicines regularly and modify the risk factors. One should know that many patients are living more than 20 years after the heart attack. Formal rehabilitation programs have been shown to effectively improve functional capacity, promote compliance, decrease emotional distress, and reduce cardiovascular death and improve quality of life. Now a days early ambulation is recommended after myocardial infarction (heart attack).

1.     When there is no complication the patient can sit in a chair on the second day.
2.     Walk to the toilet on the third day.
3.     Return home in 5-7 days.
4.     Gradually increase activity with the aim of returning to work in 6-8 weeks.
5.     May resume driving after 4-6 weeks
6.     When the patient will be able to resume his sexual activity after heart attack is an important issue. The most common sexual problems of heart attack patients are reduction or absence of sexual urge and sometimes avoiding tendency in spite of having urge. In some patients even impotency may be seen. The causes of sexual dysfunction include fear of precipitating another heart event, depression and side effects of the medicines used by the patient. In addition, the sexual partner may believe that intercourse or other sexual acts could precipitate a cardiac event and may avoid sexual activity. During sexual activity heart rate may rise more than 120 per minute and during this time heart muscle will require more blood supply. But due to presence of critical obstruction in coronary circulation patient may experience heart pain during intercourse. So, this issue requires thorough evaluation.

After myocardial infarction the patient may resume his sexual life after heart attack. Exercise test can be used to gauge the potential cardiac stress of sexual activity. If the patient does not have any significant abnormality during stress test, it is unlikely to have chest pain during intercourse. But patients with significant ECG abnormality during stress test must start sexual activity gradually. Masturbation and mutual caressing can be initiated first followed by progression to sexual intercourse. Cardiac stress of intercourse is not very high if the patient performs sexual acts with his or her spouse. But cardiac stress to sexual activity is far greater with unfamiliar than a familiar partner, in illegitimate relationships and in unfamiliar settings. Cardiac work load associated with sexual intercourse can be minimized by avoiding traditional top and bottom postures and adopting side to side positions. Intercourse in top and bottom posture increases the heart work load. If the patient experiences chest pain during sexual acts the patient must inform it to his or her doctor. Increasing the dose of nitrates or sublingual nitroglycerine tablet or spray use during the act may give relieve of symptoms. Sometimes patients are shy or reluctant to discuss sexual dysfunction with the doctor. So the physician should address issues of sexuality and consider the effects of medications on sexual drive. Sometimes a simple change in medication solves the problem. Widely used drugs like beta blockers or diuretics may cause temporary sexual dysfunction. Mere stoppage of the drug or reducing the dose of the drug may be beneficial.

After heart attack the dead muscle takes 4-6 weeks to become replaced with fibrous tissue. Accordingly, it is conventional to restrict physical activities during this period. Emotional problems such as denial, anxiety and depression are common and must be recognized and dealt with accordingly. Many patients are severely and even permanently incapacitated as a result of the psychological rather than the physical effects of heart attack and all benefit from thoughtful explanation, counseling and reassurance at every stage of the illness. The patient’s spouse will also require emotional support, information and counseling. Formal rehabilitation programmes based on graded exercise and counseling have been shown to improve the long-term outcome.

