Mantra Meditation or Japa Meditation

Mantra Meditation or Japa Meditation

Sound is a form of energy that is made up of vibrations and wavelengths. Mantras are Sanskrit syllables, when chanted, will take you to a higher stage of consciousness. Sincere practice and repetition of a mantra lead to birth of pure thought. Mantra meditation calms the body and mind. It induces a state of silence and stillness. The vibration of the chant has a very soothing and positive effect on you and your baby.

a.       Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position with the spine held erect, or preferable still, sit against a wall, as you will be more comfortable and less distracted. Cushions and bolsters may also be used as per your needs.
b.      Place your hands on your knees with palms upward and the fingers in the chin mudra, i.e. your thumb pressing the tip of your index finger. Relax your body and calm your breathing.
c.       Gently focus your eyes on the point between your eye-brows –the ajna charka.
d.      Feel your breath moving in and out of your body. Visualize that from this point you are sending all your energy to your baby.
e.      Now chant a mantra or the cosmic sound, OM. First chant loudly for a few seconds, and then slow it down to a whisper that you only can hear. Then chant it mentally 108 times. ( You could also use a Japa mala to keep a track of the cunts)
f.        Continue till you are comfortable and then lie down in balasana.

One can also use a japa meditation to keep the mind from distraction. Listening to mantra or spiritual music can be another option.

