Pelvic Floor Exercise -Yoga in pregnancy

Pelvic Floor Exercise

Pelvic Floor Exercise is  the locks and seals that have a powerful effect on the reproductive organs of a woman. They also help in altering the mood, attitude besides enhancing awareness and concentration. We have featured two of the most important and beneficial exercises here.

Exercising the pelvic, anal and vaginal muscles keeps them strong and flexible, as these muscles are going to stretch fully at the time of the birth of your baby. They have to withstand the pressure and the stress of birth and return to normal position, avoiding any postnatal problems.
a. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position, with your eyes closed and your body relaxed.
b. Focus on your anal sphincter, the perinea muscles and the vaginal area.
c. Inhale. Contract these muscles. Exhale and release these muscles.
Repeat several times.

