Remove acne Spots with five foods

Five foods that are completely natural way to remove acne spots

Choose a natural bleaching agent which is lemon juice or any kind of acne is very effective in eliminating dark circles. Eat a glass of lemon juice in the morning and afternoon. If the problem cannot eat without sugar carbohydrate. This toxic substance from the body is out and the skin is bright and lively.

Every day wood nuts playing spots and acne lesions caused largely decreased. Tightness in the skin and lustrous wood to fold very effective nut. Wood nuts omega 3 fatty acids which are skin inflammation helps to reduce and keep the skin structure.

Apply the face pack of tomatoes or playing regularly and lesions of acne spots can be reduced slowly. Besides tomatoes Vitamin C and Vitamin A of the source , which is very beneficial for the skin.

Many Kinds of Cucumbers anti-oxidant elements which helps to remove acne spots. Cucumbers day playing clean, fresh and bright skin can get. So do not forget to add daily diet of Cucumber or Cucumber salad.


Nutmeg and honey mixture to remove acne skin spots bring back the lost beauty. You can put it in as a pack. This mixture is completely free of side effects. Leave the face pack mix 30 minutes, than wash with mild warm water.

