Mountain Pose or Parvatasana

Mountain Pose or Parvatasana

This asana makes the entire body strong. The abdominal muscles are drawn toward the spine when breathing deep. It strengthens the internal organs and has a profound effect on the reproductive organs.

·         Lie down on the floor on your stomach, i.e. with your face downwards. Keep your feet about 2.5 cm apart.
·         Rest your palms by the side of your chest, with fingers straight out, pointing towards your head.
·         Exhale. Raise your hips, lowering your head between your arms. You will be forming a triangle with your back and legs.
·         Try to keep your legs stiff. Do not bend your knees but try to press your heels and the soles of your feet on the floor. Also try to bring your head towards your knees.
·         Stay in this position for thirty to forty seconds while breathing deeply.

·         Release the posture by lifting your head forward, stretching your torso forward and lowering your body gently down to the floor.  

