Yoga in pregnancy and Childbirth

 Alternate Nostril Breathing

In this Pranayama, the blood receives a larger supply of oxygen than in normal breathing; your mind feels relaxed and calm. It also soothes the entire nervous system.

a.       Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position. Relax your entire body and keep your eyes closed.
b.      Bend your right arm from the elbow. Bend the middle and index finger inward to your palms. Bring your ring finger and the little finger toward your thumb.
c.       Place your right thumb on the right side of your nose and your ring and little finger on the left side of your nose. By pressing your thumb, back the right nostril.
d.      Inhale slowly and deeply through your left nostril. After full inhalation, block your left nostril with your ring and little finger. Exhale, breathing out the pressure from your right nostril and releasing the air slowly, deeply and steadily.
e.      Next, blocking your left nostril, inhale deeply from the right. After a full inhalation, block the right nostril and exhale, steadily. This completes one round of the pranayama. Try to do four to eight rounds at least twice a day.
f.        Lie down in balasana and relax.    

